New York State
Recreation & Park Society

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  • Gather & Grow: Advocacy & Public Policy in Parks and Recreation Virtual Roundtable

Gather & Grow: Advocacy & Public Policy in Parks and Recreation Virtual Roundtable

  • 03/27/2025
  • 11:30 AM
  • Zoom


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What challenges do you face when advocating for parks and recreation in your community? Curious about how NYSRPS can help support? 

Join us for an engaging virtual roundtable to learn how to best advocate for your community and profession. Led by NYSRPS Public Policy Committee members, this presentation will focus on NYS Public Policy and Advocacy in the field of Parks and Recreation. An overview of important legislative processes and NYS budget issues will be presented. We will share the progress of the public policy committee and discuss ways you can get involved and advocate independently or as a part of the public policy committee.

Once you complete registration you will receive the link to the Zoom via email before the meeting.

For questions please reach out to

New York State Recreation & Park Society  501 C3 Not-for-Profit Organization

19 Roosevelt Drive, Suite 200 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

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